From The Desk of Kathy, Roy and Kelsey: September

From The Desk of Kathy, Roy and Kelsey:
Cave Creek Montessori September Newsletter

September Events:

  • Happy family organics nutrition presentation Sept. 10th 9:30-10:30 AM
  • Peace day and Potluck Sep.19th 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM
  • CCM date night Sept. 26th 6:00-9:00 PM
  • Sep. 29th- 30th Fall Break

Flu Season is Upon us
With flu season approaching it is very important that you know our guidelines for contagious illnesses at the Montessori. Children who have been sent home or have been diagnosed with a virus can come back to school once they have been flu free for at least 24 hours.
Please be sure to report any sicknesses to us.

Mrs. Ana’s Date Night
Mrs. Ana’s Date night is coming to CCM on Sept. 26th. We will provide pizza, activities, snacks and juice for your
children while you go out for the night. The cost is $25 per child or $40 per family and the event will run from 6:00-9:00 PM. If you have any questions, please feel
free to contact the office at 480-563-2929

Tax Contribution
We strongly encourage all of our CCM families to consider paying their taxes by contributing to the Montessori Scholarship Organization. This is
a way to pay your taxes and save hundreds of dollars. Married couples can pay up to 2,156 dollars before
Dec. 31st 2014 and receive a dollar for dollar tax credit from the state of AZ, plus reduce their federal tax liability.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences will be held from October 13th to the 19th, before and after school. Teachers will be in contact with you to set up times.

Peace Day
One of our favorite school traditions is our peace day activities and potluck. The children will be building a labyrinth (please bring in a rock for your child). The peace day activities will start at 10:00 AM on Sept. 19th. The same night we will hold our annual peace day potluck where each family will bring in their favorite meal

Football and Soccer Starting
Flag football starts Oct. 1st for children aged 4-6 years old. Flag football will run from 3:00-4 every Wednesday on the CCM playground. Soccer will also starting Oct. 4th, 2014 for children ages 3-14. Both classes are eight week courses.

Thank you for your continued support of Cave Creek Montessori. We value the relationships we have with our families and look forward to continuing to provide safe, happy, and impactful experiences in your childrens lives.

-Roy, Kathy, and Kelsey Catalo