Registration for 2023-2024 School Year
Please follow the steps below to complete your registration process. 2023-2024 Fall registration is due by March 5, 2023.
Requests for your child’s specific classroom placement is guaranteed provided their registration and registration fee are received by March 5, 2023.
After March 5, 2023, registration is open to the public and class placement is prioritized by date received.
Please follow all of the registration steps below. You will not be considered registered until you complete all of the steps, including dropping off or sending a signed, printed copy of the AZ Department of Health Emergency, Information, and Immunization Record to the Cave Creek Montessori office.
**Please note that if you are planning to enroll more than one child, you will need to complete the registration process for each child.
Step 1 of 4: Registration Application and Tuition Contract
Admission Procedures Required Prior to the 1st Day of School:
- Yearly registration packet forms must be completed and signed by both parents.
- Registration Application & Tuition Contract
- Emergency Contact and Immunization Card
- Permission Agreement
- Discipline Policy/School Rules Acknowledgement
- Arrival and Departure Procedures Acknowledgement
Payments required by your child’s 1st Day of school:
- Monthly Tuition
- Refundable Deposit – One time
- New Student Registration or Continuing Student Registration – Annual
- Enrollment Packet including Documentation of Immunizations
- Semester or Yearly Pizza Fee
Tuition: Monthly tuition is due by the 1st of each month. Tuition is monthly, charged the same amount each month (Unless enrollment hours are changed – see below). A statement of your child’s account & balance due will be emailed to you by the 20th of each month. Payment for the full balance due must be received by the 5th of each month.
Students Attending 3 Days Per Week: Students registered for our 3 day a week program are required to choose the days of the week attending. Days missed due to illness, holidays, or unforeseen circumstances cannot be recouped for another day unless you pay a fee of $60 per additional day. Change requests for 3 days chosen – we require a 30-day written notice.
Year-Round Hours of Operation: Our hours of operation are Monday – Friday from 7:30am – 5:30pm. Cave Creek Montessori full hours of operation are always available for your child (regardless of the hours for which your child is enrolled) provided we are given 24 hours’ notice.
Holidays/In-Service Days/Illness: Full monthly tuition is due during the school year. The scheduled school year is from August – May. Please be advised that CCM is closed 2 weeks each year for “Winter Break” in December-January and closed 1 week for “Spring Break” in March. In Addition, CCM is closed for scheduled holidays, breaks, and teacher work days throughout the year. Please check the school calendar for exact dates. Full monthly tuition is due regardless of scheduled days closed, missed days due to illness (including COVID-19), or family circumstances.
Summer: We allow PRIMARY parents to take their child out of our program during the months of June and July. Please notify administration by email no later than May 1st if you plan on your child not attending one or both of the summer months.
Withdrawal Requirements: Please provide notice by email 30 days in advance at the 1st of the month upon withdrawing your child from CCM. Your deposit will be returned upon receipt of notice within 15 business days provided all tuition & fees have been paid in full. Option: deduct your deposit from the last month’s tuition incurred after fulfilling withdrawal notice requirements.
Payment Options:
Office/Tuition Box: drop off payment in the office to our Director, or place your payment in the tuition box (hanging on the wall outside the office). Please do not place checks in the office!
Mail: mail your check to our address.
Automatic Bill Pay: set up with your bank (your bank will need to have the check mailed to us by the 5th of the month).
Late Payment Policy: We depend on the timely payment of tuition and fees for the financial stability of the school. We strictly adhere to our tuition policy: Payments received after the 5th will be deemed “LATE” and your account will be automatically assessed a $50 late fee. Tuition accounts deficient after the 15th will be charged $10 per day or if arrangements have not been made for receiving late tuition payment this contract will be considered “CANCELED.” Your child will no longer be enrolled at Cave Creek Montessori and your deposit is forfeited. In addition, all tuition, fees, and late fees left unpaid will be reported to major credit bureaus and pursued by collections if not brought current within 30 days of the original due date. To reinstate your child, a new registration form must be submitted. The account balance must be paid. The registration and deposit fees will be re-charged.
Please note: We charge a $25 fee for checks received with insufficient funds plus a $50 late fee after the 5th of the month, for a total charge of $75.
Changes to Schedule $50: With a 30 day written notice you may change your child’s schedule for a fee of $50. As a courtesy, there is no charge for changes made within the first 30 days of your child’s enrollment. Due to our policy, tuition is due in full regardless of scheduled days closed, requests for changes in your child’s enrollment in December and March will not be granted.
Parents Initials: ____________________ ____________________
Tuition & Fees Schedule
Multi Child Discount: Full Time 10% Part-time 5%
Registration: $100 yearly
Deposit: $300 (refundable with 30 day notice)
Monthly Tuition
5 Days
Half Day | 8:15am-12:15pm | $795 |
Full Day | 8:15am-3:30pm | $965 |
3 Days Per Week
Morning | 8:15am-12:15pm | $725 |
Full Day | 8:15am-3:30pm | $875 |
Before/Aftercare Hours Fees – The school closes at 5:30pm sharp! There is a late pick-up fee of $20 for retrieving your child after 5:30pm. After 5:45pm there is an additional fee of $1 per minute.
Extended Hours 5 Days Per Week
Morning | 7:30am-8:15am | $130 |
Afternoon | 3:30pm-5:30pm | $250 |
Morn/Afternoon | 7:30am-8:15am, 3:30-5:30pm | $330 |
Extended Hours 3 Days Per week
Morning | 7:30am-8:15am | $100 |
Afternoon | 3:30pm-5:30pm | $190 |
Morn/Afternoon | 7:30am-8:15am, 3:30pm-5:30pm | $260 |
Pizza Fee: $60 per semester. All accounts are charged this fee.
Daily Fees: $60 per day. Please notify the office by email when adding extra days.
Late/Hourly Fee (Per Child) $20
Summer Registration $150
($50 Non-refundable. $100 applied towards summer tuition only!)
Parents Initials: ____________________ ____________________