The Start Of A New Year at Cave Creek Montessori!
The start of a new year!
Our staff is very excited to welcome all the new students, returning students, and parents for the 2014-2015 school year at Cave Creek Montessori School.
New administrator-
We are proud to announce our daughter Kelsey Catalo as a new morning administrator. Kelsey graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in Communication. Throughout her time at ASU, she held internships and full-time positions in public relations, marketing, and social media. She is very excited to be in her new position. Please stop by the office if you need any help or to just come in and say hi!
Afternoon Directress-
We are very proud to announce our daughter Ana Catalo will be the afternoon/ after school care directress. Ana graduated from NAU with a degree in teaching K-8 and is very excited about putting together a wonderful afterschool care for your children. Ana will also be in the office from 1-2:30 to answer any questions you may have.
These last few weeks we have been very busy formulating plans to make this year one that everyone will remember! Our first step to making sure students succeed here at Cave Creek Montessori is by helping them make friends and feel comfortable. The initial few days can be very exciting and challenging for both parents and children. One challenge that you may see during the first few days of school is separation anxiety. This process will only last one to two weeks and will start to go away once your child has made new friends and gets to know his or her teacher. Please assist your child by introducing them to their teachers and peers. The teachers will also help your child find “mentor” friends who can assist them in understanding their role in the classroom.
How you can help:
· Check your child’s folder daily!
· Show your children you’re excited about what they’re doing at school.
· If your child is having trouble with separation anxiety, leave as quickly as possible or consider using our drop-off service.
· Call at any time to check on your child.
· Encourage friendships by setting up playdates with friends outside of school.
· Come to school well prepared (proper clothes, nap supplies, lunch, snack, etc.)
Safety tips that should be followed:
· Drive cautiously and slowly while in parking lots
· Ensure that all gates are closed when entering and leaving the premises
· Sign in and out with full name
· Take all laundry home on Friday and bring back Monday
· When you are present at the school please understand your child and their siblings/friends are your responsibility. Please make sure they are following the rules (i.e. no running inside, jumping on tables, throwing things)
Toddler Class
We are excited to announce that we will be opening a second toddler room in classroom 3. Mrs. Uma will be the lead teacher in the classroom as of August 4th. As you may know, Mrs. Uma has worked at Cave Creek Montessori for 8 years and has proven to be a very peaceful, passionate, and dynamic teacher. Mrs. Uma is very excited to take this next step and we are very confident that she will be a great toddler teacher for your child. Last year Ms. Uma worked as an assistant teacher in the Toddler Room and she handled all aspects of the classroom. Many of the parents who met her also felt she would make an excellent toddler teacher.
Looking forward to a great year! Please come in if you have any questions. Thank you!
-Roy, Kathy & Kelsey Catalo